Saturday, July 31, 2010

Skool Dayz

My name is Hanna my job is go to sckool. I am Jan my job is to be a techer. Yo my name is toto my job is to eat. What is your job for to day?

One student calls out, “teacher, teacher!” I look over and his foot is stuck in the chair and he’s trying to get out.

After reading a story about pumpkins and how they grow, the students were going to be assigned to write a sentence about one of the steps and draw a picture of that step. Before we let the students go back to their seats and begin working, we wanted to check for understanding, so we had the students help tell us how pumpkins grow. The last step is “eat and enjoy” (of course, right?)…well one student (a little boy) turns to another student (a little girl he happened to have a crush on) and said, “If you was a pumpkin, I would eat you up!” What is hilarious is he’s not from Georgia…he’s definitely an English Language Learner. Shame on us for speaking incorrect English that he gets to mimic. :-/

During thanksgiving time: “I love smashed potatoes!”

Working on vocabulary and using it in a sentence, “I have lived on earth for 8 years” and “Cheese is popular.”

I was acting as a bad kid in class while students were playing school. One child walked up and began to watch us play and said, “this is better than watching a movie!”

“Thank you for teaching us.”

“Miss Shoe, I liked when you taught us today. That was fun!”

“I want to move to Mrs. Lester’s group,” said one of my students.
“Why?” asked another girl in my group.
“…because Mrs. Lester is……and she has poofy hair!”
“That’s it? That’s the only reason?”

When you’re 100 years old, you know everything! (One 1st grader said while writing about what she’ll be like when she’s 100 years old).

A hug a kiss
food sushi
(this is a first grader...oh boy!)

Miss Papon asked the 1st graders, “What is the 1st thing you do when you’re in the bathroom in a lock-down drill. A student replies, “you pull your pants up!” with a serious face.

Hope you enjoyed stepping into a few of my humorous yet gratifing days as a teacher 