Friday, July 31, 2009

Can't Sleep

I'm not sure why I'm still up. I haven't slept tonight at all, which never happens to me. I guess it could be the fact that in 4 days, I'm walking onto a tube in New York and walking off in Beijing.

I got some packing done today. I also shipped a 59 pound box at the cheap rate of $248.25! The contents were all classroom supplies. I'm told that a lot of the things I put in the box will not be found there. The irony: most everything says "Made in China."

Monday, July 27, 2009

Stuff! Stuff! Stuff!

I have too much junk! This weekend, Dad and I went back up to the apartment in Tallahassee and picked up the rest of my belongings. Trying to clean it out and figuring out where to put it all/ what to do with it is going to fill up my week pretty quickly.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saying "Farewell"

I really don't like saying goodbye to people. I've found that it isn't that difficult for me to say bye though. I want to go, and I'm ready to go (or at least my mind is--most of the time), but it is hard to watch the people I love react when we have to hug for the last time, for a long time. Some I know I'll probably never see in person again (especially some college friends). Other friends have shed tears. All have whispered encouraging words in my ears, and for that I'm grateful!

Side story: I was thinking last night about how I used to cry when I said "bye" to someone. It was only in instances when I never thought I'd see that person ever again. I've now come to realize that I will. It is easy to travel. Even to places far, far away.

I don't cry when I say goodbye, but it hurts a lot. I'm sure I'll cry at the airport. I have every summer that I've left home. I'll miss friends and family, places, and foods. I'm sure the water works will open up with ease during the traveling hours/ days (ugh!) and throughout my time across the bigger pond.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Savoring Moments

So, I really don't like people to read my writing. At all. I figured that I should start one of these though, just so people can keep up with me.

Tonight my parents hosted a little get together for me. It was really well put together. Mom worked hard all day preparing...making sure the porch, that nobody went out on (because, let's face it--it's summer in So. Fla...seriously!), buying cakes, fruit dishes, sweeping the floors, buying a new coffee pot (because Jared broke it last week while putting away clean dishes), making coffee, making punch, making dinner, etc.

I had a moment tonight where I sat back and thought about the people that showed up. The people that showed up were either family members, close family friends, or middle school and high school Sunday school teachers, kids church leaders, babysitters, mentors, or my adopted grandparents--people that have meant so much to me. I was touched by their meaningful and heart-felt words that they spoke to me. I know that I am not alone. They all have let me know that they are committed to praying for me, and I know that they will. After all, our fight is not against flesh, but against the powers and forces of this dark world.

I am certain that the spiritual warfare that I will encounter is going to be significantly greater when I'm more isolated and on my own. Sure, I'll be surrounded by believers. Everyday I will probably cross paths with several thousand people. I'm moving to a city where the population is larger than L.A., and only a little bit smaller than NYC. It's swarming with people! I'm sure I'll be downcast, lonely, and be constantly attacked by the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Thankfully, I have a Father that loves me--unconditionally, and who offers life, and life abundantly.

Thank you to all that came tonight. Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Thank you Mom, Dad, Jamie and Jared for being right by my side, and for supporting me.