Friday, October 14, 2011


Hao Peng You=Best Friend

Who knew two years would make you someone's best friend? It has happened over and over again in my life though!

The most recent "best friend" is Jenny (Zhang Yi). She and I get together any chance we can. She is the sweetest girl I've met in first local friend when I got here two years ago.

Jenny was born and raised in Kunming. She has lighter skin that most and beautiful eyes that are slanted to perfection! Her complexion is gorgeous and her dark features magnify her beauty. Jenny is beautiful inside and out. Her heart seeks justice and truth. She loves what is right and good and will only stand for those things. I have never once wondered or questioned her integrity.

Jenny plans on marrying Shen Kai (Dave) next March (even though her parents would rather have them wait until the summer). They have (unusually for Chinese people) bought an apartment that is being built, joining their money together to make things work; money they don't have! Most Chinese women would wait for the man to pay for the entire apartment before she'd even consider marrying him. Tradition! Tradition! (makes me think of Fiddler on the Roof, no lie)! Shen Kai is in the army and will have to live 10 hours away, a 200-300 yuan bus ride or train ride away. She will stay here, work (teach) and possibly raise kids (if they have any--we had that conversation tonight), while he works in the army until he gets discharged. ...That's in 2018! By then, she'll be 35 and they'll finally be finishing up their 2nd year of actually living in the same place during their marriage. ....Tough life!

We had a great dinner tonight--stinky tofu, beef with mint, cucumber and egg soup, and another purple veggie that is wild (not sure about the Chinese name, and I doubt it has an English one), and then she came over and showed me her wedding pictures that she and Shen Kai just had professionally taken. Our time together is precious and I really do consider her a best friend here. Sometimes, I'd rather hang out with her and get to know her heart and her thoughts, as opposed to being around "foreigners."

Tonight as she returned to her dorm, she texted me that she arrived safely and to have a good night. I said, "晚安! 好好梦." (wan an- good night! hao hao meng- sweet dreams) which she replied (in a very nostalgic tone) "I missed the day we study chinese together so much" (this was before shen kai was around--he was 10 hours away then, and she and I spent much more time together than we do now. Currently, I think I've been with JUST her time! Tonight! The two of them are totally in love and always together. It's quite cute and comfortable, actually.... Not two minutes later she texted again, "You will leave next year but we are so busy this year. We need together more." :'( To these I wrote back, "Aww! Jenny, you are going to make me cry! I miss those days too. :-) I am so glad we are 好朋友! Let's try to hang out as often as we can. :-)" "Sure we can! Shen kai will leave after you! I will lost my 好朋友 and my husband at the same time so sad :-(" I took the opportunity given to me and told her I'd lift her up and ask that He would provide someone for her.

....This is just to remind you loner people out there that,'re not alone! AND take advantage of every moment with those around you, especially 好朋友们. You never know how long you'll have. :-)

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