Thursday, May 17, 2012


Let the countdown begin!

Countdown to:
-Jenny's wedding (36 hours)
-Report Cards (1 week)
-last tutoring with Philip (7 more classes)
-end of tutoring with Mary (4 more classes)
-last day of school (8 and a half days)
-mom and dad arrive (13 days!)
-depart from China (26 days)

Am I excited about these coming? All but one, which encompasses a ton of emotion, memories, words that need to said to people--all of which typically I do terribly! The anticipation of any event is usually worse than the actual event itself. I'm betting that when I leave, I'll probably be a bit numb. I'm trying to do my best to live in every single moment--even the ones I don't particularly enjoy. I've had smiles on my face while standing next to someone on a bus that smells, while being nearly pressed up against the window. I'm making time for anything that inconveniently pops into my schedule (actually, China has made me much more at ease-thank goodness). I want to be with people. I want to pack. I want to be done. I hate thinking about it all. I can't seem to leave work when I'm there, or I leave without getting things done. Same thing at home. I can't focus. A lot to do in a little time, and I think there should be an order to things. Christa, where are you with your list? Not worried about any of it though. Surprisingly, like I said, I just want to be in every moment. I want to be productive and spend my time meaningfully.

With all that though, there's this other side of me that wants time to slow down. I don't want this countdown to be over so soon. I don't know what's after. I know that this summer will be full of activity, but then?! I keep having to tell myself that moving home is the next thing, but I don't know exactly what I'm going to get myself into. Prayers would be appreciated!

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