Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recent Happenings

Christmas in China was the last big event in my life. It was difficult being away from family. I made it through, and I finally think I'm passing the rough part of culture shock. Unfortunately, it's a constant cycle, and each time the periods you stay in each stage change.

I am back teaching. This week will conclude the second nine weeks! Hard to believe that I'm almost half way finished! I am taking on some new things this semester. I am going to start taking dance, just for fun...hoping that I'll be able to relax and enjoy something that I've always been too self conscious about. I'm also really excited to be going through a B.M. study; DANIEL! It is so stinkin' good!

Lately, there have been many birthday celebrations and wedding celebrations, which are always fun. I'm missing those at home, so this makes it feel more like "home" in some weird way. I have also been Skyping a lot with family (more than usual) and have booked a lot of "dates" with the girlfriends. It's so good to talk with them. I won't lie, at first when I got here, I didn't want to sit at my computer for long periods of time and just stare...and talk. I wanted to be out meeting people and enjoying this country. I still do, but I miss everyone, and really cherish all of the relationships I already do have. I don't want to let them fall through the cracks.

I'm rambling. Sorry.

Oh...Chinese is coming along. I love learning the language. I am now on QQ, which is like AIM or MSN messenger, but it's for China. I get to practice my pinyin (the phonetic spellings of Chinese characters), and just like T9 on your phone, it selects the characters that match the pinyin and the ones that would go together in a phrase or sentence. It's pretty neat, and I've learned to recognize a lot of characters. I can now carry on simple conversations! Jenny and I have not been able to get together lately because she has to prepare (get this) her students (1st graders) for finals! They take serious finals in Chinese schools...and did I ever say that they start their days at 7:30 and end at 6:30? They pretty much eat all 3 meals at school! I'm glad I'm teaching where I am, and that I had a childhood. :-D My other Chinese teacher is really sweet. Grace and I are taking class with her on Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:45-7:15. Those nights usually end up being Ramon noodle night. I'm a little sick of them now, so I'm boycotting and going with the healthier alternative of yogurt with granola, banana, and strawberry instead.

The most recent of news: I'm looking at flights to come home for the summer. AND, my car is being sold! yay! So, Ld willing, I'll see you all in a couple of months!

Okay, gotta get up early in the morning and go teach. Love and miss ya'll.

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