Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore..."


So today...I went out to dinner with a little girl that I teach at school (cute little Malaysian girl) and her mom with another teacher. We were at this nice little Italian restaurant, right?! Ok...well the owner/waitress/chef/bossy woman is kinda odd...she doesn't have the whole, "whatever the customer wants" mentality. I watched her turn away customers tonight. In case you're wondering, she's not Chinese, she's Italian. She makes all of her customers call in and reserve a table in her little, quaint restaurant (if you can call it that).

Well, so after thinking, "hmm...that was kinda pushy" or "why did she just say that? wouldn't you say something more friendly to ensure business?" She was kind of rude to the mother that I was with, and a little impatient. I understand somedays people have bad days and that effects how they interact with others...but seriously?!

Here's what finally pushed me over the edge: I asked the other teacher if we could yarp before our meal. She agreed that it would be a good idea to do with this mother and daughter and so we asked them if it would be alright. Then, the other teacher began to yarp--thanking Gd for this little girl, asking for peace with their move to another country in a few months, thanking Him for the time we had to spend with them, and finally blessing the food. In the middle of the reyarp, I heard the owners voice and could sense that she was beside me. She tried to interrupt, but was unsuccessful. As soon as we all were done and looked at her, she leaned over the table and said, "You should be thanking me for the food, 'cause I'm the one making it! And, don't ever do that again. Customers get annoyed with that." WOW!

Let's just say the table was quiet for a few minutes until the mother decided to confront the "elephant left at our table" and discuss it and move on...

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