Sunday, May 23, 2010

You know you live in China....

...diarreaha has become a way of life. on the sidewalks seems normal. on the wrong side of the road seems normal. errand that would take 20 minutes in the States takes 2 hours to do here (at least).
...when people talk about weird things they eat--and it's "normal".
...when children pee on the street.
...when on your way to school you hear 15 peoploe hawk up a loogie.
...when you see raw meat on the way to school.
...when you're sharing your bus seat with a chicken.
...when you see an entire family on a moped.
...when men are riding bikes together.
...when getting back home takes over 24 hours to travel.
...when you can't buy clothes or shoes because you're too big.
...when you get hollared at "hello" while riding your bike (my personal favorite--"hello laowai!" --out of a car. it means hi foreigner!...or that one time the little boy yelled, "Hello! I love you!" haha)
...when time is never really set (dad you'd fit right in can always be late--except to work).
...when 12 people can eat a meal under 100 kuai ($15).
...when you go to the store and the wife charges one price and the husband charges another.
...when you can afford a house helper and a bike guard.
...when everyone is wearing heels while hiking (no lie!).
...when you become the tourist attraction.
...when a random person invites you into their house and treats you royally.
...when you send your kid out at night with no fear or reservations.
...when buildings are torn down to plant trees and trees are torn down to build buildings.
...when the trees have water IV bags hooked up to them.
...when the cars are on the sidewalk and people are on the street.
...when the public bus is only 1 kuai (14 cents).
...when going to the restroom is a social event.
...when you can eat a real hot dog.


  1. insightful! 'real hot dog' is good'! Keep a big heart. The life in China is good!

  2. Time seems to have a different value here in Kunming. I get really annoyed at the bank when a transaction that took 3 minutes back home takes 30 or more here.
