Sunday, November 1, 2009



The Word

In the beginning was the Word...the Word became flesh...the One who is at the Father's side--He has revealed Him.

Tonight I met with Jenny for 4 hours! She tutored me for 3 hours, and then we went and had dinner together. While at KIF (Kunming International Fellowship) this morning, I was thinking and yarping for this evening that I knew I'd spend with Jenny. Though I really appreciate all the time she spends with me and patiently says things over and over for me, I don't just want our time to be about me and learning Chinese. I want there to be more to our time. Quite honestly though, I don't know how to bring things up in conversation. I knew though that He would use me, despite my insecurites in sharing.

Tonight, after learning how to put some Chinese words/ phrases together, Jenny and I headed to the noodle shop (the one where I did not get what I ordered...a few months ago). I ordered my own meal today! That was exciting. (I guess I did receive a little instruction from Jenny.) Anyway, while we were eating, Jenny paused and reluctantly asked me what I did this morning, half way knowing what my answer would be. I told her that I went to the fellowship. So she asked me if I believed in..."how do you say? Chris-t?" opened a door! I walked in. We talked about the Lamb. She informed me that her boyfriend, who is a soldier is a believer. Jenny has a Chinese "book", but she finds it confusing. I offered to explain it to her, during the times when we meet for Chinese lessons. She seemed happy to accept my offer. I can't wait! Thank you Ld for taking my insecurities and using them for Your glory! Wo ai ni, Yesu Jido!

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